2021 NRST Ugly Sweater Invitational

Location Nanaimo Aquatic Centre
Start date Dec 18, 2021 7:00 AM
End date Dec 19, 2021 1:30 PM
Declaration open Dec 6, 2021 12:00 PM
Declaration deadline Dec 11, 2021 11:59 PM
Eligibility C group B group

17dec2021 UPDATE #2

so.... HC has learned that she needs 'let the Coach coach'.  

Attending families, please adhere to the advisement of the attending Coach!




17dec2021 UPDATE:

Sat racing starts at 8am.  WU is extended to a full hour. 

7am arrival will be fine for all will be a good compromise for a slightly longer sleep in and allowing for a good paced WarmUp.  

Enjoy the racing!




15dec2021 UPDATE:


Note from NRST Meet Manager Brie:

Don't forget to wear your ugly sweaters, and bring your holiday spirit.  There were will prizes for the 3 ugliest sweaters, we forwent the team prize as there are only 4 clubs.  

Please remind your parents we are still in need of volunteers.  Since there are no spectators, this is a great way to see their kids swim.  Please have them email meets@nanaimoriptides.com with which positions they are qualified.



Here's a very late inclusion on our Meet Schedule - what a great opportunity!

The Nanaimo Riptides are creating a final racing opportunity of this Cycle for swimmers looking to race a final time going into the Winter Break.  Swimmers nearing a SwimBC Divisional Time Standard are invited to attend.  

Questions?  Please connect with this competition's Lead Coach Carrie
