2023 North American Indigenous Games

14july2023 UPDATE:
Just a reminder that tomorrow’s flight will be with Canadian North at Signature Flight Support (which is NEAR the south terminal, but it is NOT at the south terminal).
The Signature Flight Support East Building is at 4380 Agar Drive. To get there, continue on Inglis Drive past the turn to the South Terminal and past the Flying Beaver Restaurant and Seaplane terminal. The road will turn hard right. At the end of this straight stretch the road will turn left. Do not turn left, continue straight into the Signature East Building entrance.
There is a large parking lot that parents can park in while they unload. Drop offs in front of the main doors are not allowed as it will block all traffic.
03july2023 UPDATE:
28june2023 UPDATE:
- SESSIONS REPORT - this is only for reference! This is NOT A TIMELINE
- Dalplex pool layout
- Dalplex video walkthrough
26june2023 UPDATE:
- Team BC flight info
- There hasn't been anything formal come out as of yet regarding baggage. In past experience, all attending are limited to a single bag for both their racing needs + day to day personal items. We will likely be given an additional bag along with Team BC uniform upon arrival.
Please have your athlete plan accordingly ie pack light!
30may2023 UPDATE:
- zoom meeting with Team BC! To get your copy of the recording, please email swimming@isparc.ca and a link from wetransfer.com will be sent to you to download within 7 - 14days.
- email sent to all Team BC Swimmers highlighting specific deadlines:
- 01jun2023 bathing suit size to be emailed to swimming@isparc.ca
- 01jun2023 submitting name for NAIG 2023 Opening Ceremonies Ticket Lottery
- 01jun2023 proof of vaccination
- 01jun2023 declaration of ancestry
- 01jun2023 Team BC Fee
- 04jun2023 Team BC apparel link (additional beyond Team issued uniform)
- 08jun2023 Host Society GemsPro Registration completion w/headshot for profile and accreditation
- 15jun2023 Team BC Code of Conduct
- TBD Host Society Consent for Care Form
20may2023 UPDATE:
- zoom invite for meeting 30may2023 @ 630 sent to all selected swimmers
- named alternates are also invited to attend
- DTE Coaches invited to submit events selections
16may2023 UPDATE:
- Meet Package posted - it's an SNC sanctioned competition!
01may2023 UPDATE:
- this is THE final day to get you on the Team! Please be sure to complete all that is listed within this link.
- If you have already done so, please reconfirm all of the steps again... we recognize that this can be frustrating but please know: there are more than 500 athletes inputting information which is connected to the Host Society which has more than 5000 athletes inputting information too! Suffice to say, computers and programs are working overtime right now.
29apr2023 UPDATE:
Selected Swimmers & Alternates: have you completed the 3 steps below yet?? Please do so before 01may2023 to maintain your eligibility:
- NAIG 2023 Registration with ISPARC
- Team BC uniform sizing
- Zoom meeting for proof of vaccination for all Selected (and Alternates)
Tuesday May 2 from 4-6pm PST ZOOM LINK
27apr2023 UPDATE #2:
- team selection is complete. Check your email for the selected Swimmers!
27apr2023 UPDATE:
...just a few more hours.... will be sent out tonight!
26apr2023 UPDATE:
- results submitted / retrieved, compiled, ranked, and reviewed!
- Team Announcement will be made 27apr2023 via email and will be posted here as well
- selected swimmers + alternates will be named and will need to complete the to - do list below by 01may2023
thanks for your patience!
25apr2023 UPDATE:
21apr2023 UPDATE:
- still compiling results and pushed the initial Announcement for Team Selections to early next week
15apr2023 UPDATE:
Email sent out to all who have completed their EOI but have not completed their Scorecard. This is a 2 step process to ensure inclusion for potential selection. Both steps need to be completed by Mon 17apr2023.
To make your firm commitment for consideration and inclusion for the actual Team Selection, ISPARC requires all to complete their "Scorecard" within your profile.
Use this link – https://isparc.perfectmind.com/SocialSite/MemberRegistration/MemberSignIn
all the best to all interested swimmers!
12apr2023 UPDATE:
- Swimmer List by Personal Bests
- Swimmer List by FINA points
- any swimmers listed in RED will need to submit times for inclusion by 17apr2023
Email with details has been sent out to all Swimmers who have submitted their Expression of Interest (EOI) and completed their Scorecard with ISPARC. If you did not receive this email and expected to, please send an email to swimming@isparc.ca with your Swimmer's name.
Changes the above lists must be submitted to swimming@isparc.ca no later than Fri 17apr2023
23mar2023 UPDATE #2
If you've made your Expression of Interest AFTER 03mar2023 you will not be on this list. Please watch for updates as they arise to confirm your swimmer's inclusion. Thanks to Swim BC's Technical Director Cory Beatt for compiling.
23mar2023 UPDATE:
If you've made your Expression of Interest AFTER 27feb2023 you will not be on this list. Please watch for updates as they arise to confirm your swimmer's inclusion. Thanks to Swim BC's Technical Director Cory Beatt for compiling.
14mar2023 UPDATE:
09mar2023 UPDATE:
- info session conducted in person @ SwimBC Provincial Championships 03mar2023
- info session conducted via zoom 09mar2023.
Please send an email to Leanne swimming@isparc.ca for the zoom recording. The recording will be emailed to you as a link via wetransfer.com and will be active for a brief period
Documents for your reference:
- NAIG 2023 Sport Technical Package
- TeamBC 2023: Swimming Selection Process
- NAIG 2017: TeamBC FAQs for your reference
Rankings lists are being compiled and will be released in the very near future - happy Swimming everyone!
23feb2023 UPDATE:
Our selection period is quickly coming to a close (01apr2023) and we - the ISPARC Coaches & Managers - have received some further updates. We would like the opportunity to pass it along to yourselves as I'm fairly certain that everyone is keen to plan their summer!
If you have not done your Expression of Interest into ISPARC, please do so by 01mar2023. Most of you who are receiving this have already done so, there are a few that have not updated nor declared since the (originally intended) NAIG 2020. We will need for you to ensure you've followed the expected processes https://isparc.perfectmind.com/SocialSite/MemberRegistration/MemberSignIn. Please see ISPARC press release indented below and attached for further info. If you're uncertain of your application being received, just reply to this email and I'm happy to confirm either way.
So, in the coming weeks, we'll have the opportunity to meet in 2 forums:
- Swim BC Winter Provincials being held in Victoria Mar 2 - 5. We'll be having a meeting on one of the days of the competition, likely between Heats & Finals. Specific day, time, and location TBD. We will update you as this is finalized
- Zoom session on Thurs 09mar2023 @ 7pm
Both of these meetings will have the same content so those who are not in attendance at Provincials, please do not feel obligated to make the trip to Victoria!
Topics on our agenda thus far:
- Selections updates, DRAFT rankings, timelines, etc
- Team BC travel and all other logistics ROUGH updates - specifics are still being finalized
- Cost for selected participants
- formal guidelines for seeking sponsorship
If you've specific questions, please be sure to bring it up when we meet; no doubt others will benefit.
26jan2023 UPDATE:
- DST's Head Coach Leanne Sirup has been named as Team BC Head Coach for the 2023 North American Indigenous Games. This marks Leanne's 6th Games; 1 x as Team BC Athlete (1997) and the rest as Head Coach
The Stingrays are excited to present the 2023 North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) being held in Halifax, NS July 15 - 23, 2023.
Duncan Swim Team's own Leanne Sirup is shortlisted for the role of Head Coach of the Team of 24 swimmers + 5 staff. This will be (anticipated) Sirup's 6th Games: 1 x as athlete, 5 x as Head Coach.
The selection period has been identified as performances done between May 1, 2022 - April 1, 2023 will be considered from both SwimBC & BCSSA members. ATHLETES MUST COMPLETE THEIR "EXPRESS OF INTEREST" BY 31aug2022 TO BE ELIGIBLE - please watch the ISPARC website for this application process.
Age categories are determined by Year Of Birth.
- 14U (defined as born 2009 & later*)
- 16U (defined as born 2007 & later)
- 19U (defined as born 2004 & later)
Please review the NAIG 2023 Sport Technical Package for more information.
*for reasons of safety and maturity, Team BC is seeking athletes born no later than 2010.
Interested or know someone that is interested? Relevant documents for your reference pertaining to the canceled NAIG 2020 due to COVID:
- NAIG 2020 Sport Technical Package
- Team BC Athlete Selection Process: Swimming
- Athlete Expression of Interest Application
NAIG 2020 - canceled
NAIG 2017 rankings list for reference
NAIG 2014 day 1 results for reference
NAIG 2014 day 2 results for reference
NAIG 2014 day 3 results for reference
NAIG 2011 - canceled
NAIG 2008 results for reference