CAC scheduled closure = DST alternative training

Location | tbd |
Start date | Jun 11, 2022 |
End date | Jun 25, 2022 |
Attachments |
11jun2022 UPDATE:
- QMS swimmers:
- location: Queen Margaret's School 660 Brownsey Ave, Duncan, BC V9L 1C2
- parking: upon entrance to the School grounds, turn RIGHT and then park to the right of Glide Hall
- pool: located to the right of the entrance, pass the field and building on your right, tucked in beyond the picnic tables
- changerooms: building directly in front of entrance. Girls changeroom to the right corner of the building. Boys changeroom to the left corner of the building. Swimmers can just show up on Day 1 and our LifeGuard Tiegan will direct your swimmer
- this is an outdoor pool. DST will have a gazebo to store bags & personal items under. There is no overnight storage. Swimming is confirmed rain or shine!
09jun2022 UPDATE:
full Alternative Schedule - w/finalized details
07jun2022 UPDATE:
DST's Alternative Weekly Schedule June 13 - 25, 2022
return to Regular Weekly Schedule June 27 - 30.
06jun2022 UPDATE:
- QMS is confirmed! All pieces are in place and sessions will be on the same day(s) as your regular session. Times / specific scheduling will be released later today and mailed directly to your inbox.
Thanks for your extended patience!
31may2022 UPDATE:
- FJCC confirmed
- QMS still unconfirmed
30may2022 UPDATE:
sincerest apologies and regrets to all for the delay in releasing the alternative scheduling. At present, we are awaiting:
- confirmation from the Frank Jameson Community Centre (FJCC) out of Ladysmith) for staffing our rentals --> no Lifeguards = no pool access.
- updated Certificate of Insurance for the Queen Margaret's School (QMS) pool in Duncan, naming QMS as a location that our Team can train at
Rough plan:
- All Competitive groups: B/C/D will be swimming the majority of their sessions out of the FJCC with each session slightly shorter than their typical session to account for the additional driving time. All groups will have their total number of available sessions per week minimized but will have the minimum number of sessions per group.
- All Non Competitive groups: FUNdamentals, SwimActive will be swimming out of QMS with all sessions being at least 50min long and on the same day(s) of your usual commitment. You get the coveted outdoors swimming!
26may2022 UPDATE:
June 13 - 24, 2022 alternative schedule is set to be released tomorrow once we have the final piece in place. Details will be emailed to all members once firmed and confirmed.
With this unexpected delay, DST will be handling all of our members' monthly dues as such:
- all members continuing on will be charged 50% of June dues automatically.
- if your preference is to conclude your season early and forego June swimming, DST will be waiving our 30 days withdrawal period.
To take advantage of this extraordinary exception, please send an email to no later than 31may2022 and you will not have a financial obligation for June 2022
- if your preference is to conclude your season early and forego June swimming, DST will be waiving our 30 days withdrawal period.
- members continuing on, will be charged a per session cost for all days in attendance. These will be invoiced after the 2wk period of alternative scheduling.
Cost per session is based upon the formula of
1) your regular monthly cost vs
2) expressed schedule
= cost per session.
20may2022 UPDATE:
informal agreements have been made with alternative facilities. No firm contracts have been received = no schedules to be released.
Apologies for the delay!
Keep an eye. Formal announcement to be made in the near future.
13may2022 UPDATE:
awaiting formal contracts from families within our area. Schedules will be released directly to your email inbox and posted here when finalized.
Stay tuned!
The Duncan Swim Team will be training at alternative venues for the period of June 11 - 25 due to the CAC scheduled closure.
Venues currently being explored for training:
- Frank Jameson Community Centre (Ladysmith)
- Nanaimo Aquatic Centre
- Saanich Commonwealth Place
- Crofton Outdoor Pool
- Queen Margaret's Pool
Plans will be finalized and posted no later than 15may2022. Families will have the option to opt out of 1/2 of June or fully withdraw from the program for the month of June IF we receive your written intent prior to 31may2022.
Updates will be posted here as they are confirmed.