DST Annual General Meeting 2024

Location | MR MIKES SteakhouseCasual |
Start date | Nov 24, 2024 4:00 PM |
End date | Nov 24, 2024 6:00 PM |
Declaration open | Nov 6, 2024 12:01 AM |
Declaration deadline | Nov 17, 2024 11:59 PM |
Eligibility | SwimActive D group: entry level Active Start DST BOD FUNdamentals Stage 1 Masters D group DST Organizational Committees FUNdamentals Stage 2 C group DST Staff B group FUNdamentals Stage 3 Solo Stingrays A group FUNdamentals Competitive Fit 4 Life DST Leadership |
Attachments |
10nov2024 UPDATE:
Mr Mike's menu options:
- Classic Mike burger or Bacon Mike burger
- China town Stir Fry, with chicken. Can substitute prawns for an additional cost
- Chicken Tenders
- Kickass Salad
- Peppercorn Sirloin Pasta
Cost is per the Mr Mike's regular menu and each attending member is responsible for the cost of their order(s).
06nov2024 UPDATE:
- DST AGM is scheduled for Sun 24nov2024 @ 4 - 6pm
- Mr Mikes with a 5 item menu, cost covered by individuals attending
- Swimmers are welcome to attend a CAC FREE SWIM
--> please be sure to confirm (online declaration) your swimmer to ensure their FREE SWIM cost coverage on the day of.
--> As well, pls add into your notes on the Swimmer declaration on how many adults will be attending the AGM @ Mr Mikes as we do need to have an accurate head count for the restaurant
Our intention is to have our AGM and then the opportunity for all of the parents / guardians to get to know their Swimming Community as well as the DST Leadership. We sincerely hope you are able to make it out for the day!
Questions? please contact leanne@duncanstingrays.com
Hello, To All Duncan Swim Team Members!
We’re excited to welcome you back to the 2024 / 25 Swim Season!
We have posted our Annual General Meeting for Sunday, November 24, 2024.
TIME: 500 - 700pm
More details will be added to this page as we finalize the details.
Stay tuned for more info!
Volunteers needed!
We need active volunteers to help us make our vision of delivering a program that will develop a love of swimming and help all swimmers explore and achieve their full potential. We are accepting nominations for the following volunteer positions:
- Organizational Committees.
We have openings for many of our committees - there are many support roles to be filled - choose which one suits you best:- Events (support)
- FundRaising (support)
- Grants & Sponsorship (lead & support)
- to be determined .... what do you see yourself doing to benefit the rest of the Team?
- If you're interested in any of the above or see a need for your Team, please submit your interest to our Nominations Committee
If you've questions about any of the above and would like to discuss prior to the AGM, feel free to reach out to executive@duncanstingrays.com or singularly:
- volunteer President Natalie president@duncanstingrays.com
- volunteer Secretary Elisabeth secretary@duncanstingrays.com
- (non DST member) volunteer Past President Leanne Schultz pastpresident@duncanstingrays.com
- Administrator & Treasurer Katrina treasurer@duncanstingrays.com
- Head Coach & Director of Operations Leanne leanne@duncanstingrays.com
Organizational Committee & BOD volunteers will be eligible for extra credit to their volunteer commitment.