DST Officials Training

Start date | Nov 30, 2019 9:00 AM |
End date | Nov 30, 2019 10:30 AM |
Declaration deadline | Nov 30, 2019 12:00 AM |
Job sign up deadline | Nov 30, 2019 12:00 AM |
Eligibility | Registered members |
Attachments |
The Stingrays 1st opportunity for Swimming Canada's Officials Training. No experiece nor formal training needed - this is where you get it!
Duncan Swim Team volunteer Sr Officials David Van Veen and Heather Buckland will be conducting 2 courses on this day:
- Level 1 - Red Pin
- Introduction to Swimming Officiating clinic (formerly known as "Timekeeper clinic")
- Level 2 - White Pin
- Judge of Stroke/Inspector of Turns clinc (aka "Stroke & Turn clinic")
Members are encouraged to attend the Level 1 course first and then move on to the Level 2. You may attend the same level multiple times if you're not feeling ready to move to the next step.
Be sure to sign up online through your child's profile and leave a note for the name of individual(s) who will be attending.
These will both be a classroom session so no special equipment needed. Just yourself and the willingness to try something new.
Questions? Please bring those too. We'll see you in the CAC Party Room.
SNC Officials Certification Pathway
Level 1: Timing AvailableSat 9:00 AM
Level 2: Stroke & Turn AvailableSat 9:00 AM