DST's Orange & Black III (unsanctioned)

Location | Cowichan Aquatic Centre |
Start date | May 17, 2023 4:15 PM |
End date | May 17, 2023 6:30 PM |
Declaration open | Sep 1, 2022 12:00 AM |
Declaration deadline | May 14, 2023 11:59 PM |
Job sign up open | Sep 1, 2022 12:00 AM |
Job sign up deadline | May 17, 2023 11:59 PM |
Eligibility | SwimActive D group: entry level Active Start Masters D group FUNdamentals Stage 1 Special Olympics FUNdamentals Stage 2 C group FUNdamentals Stage 3 A group |
Attachments |
16may2023 UPDATE:
- Entries & Fees Report emailed out to all participating Stingrays
- DST Entry Lists posted
- O&BIII psych sheets posted
- these are all the entries, ranked
- O&BIII session report posted
- this is the general timeline of the date. This is NOT a schedule - it is simply for reference
And we're excited to be Host to our neighbors in the same pool: the Cowichan Valley Breakers. They are the local BC Summer Swimming club in the Cowichan Valley and this will mark the very first time(!) that DST & CVB have collaborated since our split pre 2000.
05may2023 UPDATE:
~ excerpt from email sent to memberships ~
Timing Clinic: Stay tuned for details re: in-person clinic, tentatively scheduled for next Wednesday May 10th 6:00pm, at the pool. Please consider joining us for an hour of training, to learn the basics of Timekeeping during swim meets.
Details to follow.
04may2023 UPDATE:
- Stingrays Team Pictures! We'll be doing our annual team photo at 630pm.
- All DST members are to wear their black or orange tshirt with black bottoms.
If you've not got a Stingrays shirt, you can either purchase one from our pro shop or attend with your own black shirt to blend in. Please be sure to coordinate this purchase PRIOR to the 17th to ensure your tshirt is delivered and ready for pickup at the CAC - Members can purchase an individual photo and / or a team picture. Price points and purchase method will be updated shortly - please visit the Stingrays Team Pictures EVENT PAGE for updates
- If your swimmer is not in the O&BIII, we encourage your swimmer to still be in attendance at 630 to be a part of the Stingrays history!
- All DST members are to wear their black or orange tshirt with black bottoms.
04apr2023 UPDATE:
- 17may2023 confirmed!
- Meet Pkg posted
14mar2023 UPDATE:
- May 17 OR May 24 date TBD!
pls check back for updates, posted as they arise
Members of our FUNdamentals:
please note that this will be the final racing opportunity for your Swimmer in the 2022/23 season UNLESS your Swimmer's Swim BC / SNC Registration is upgraded for the DST June Jamboree <-- click on the link for details of costs to upgrade and secure eligibility
The third of our in house Time Trial Meets, specifically focused on our FUNdamentals, SwimActive, Masters and D Group members of our Team:
- FUNdamentals / SwimActive / Masters / D group swimmers are encouraged to participate
- C group swimmers are encouraged to attend either as a swimmer or as a helper
- B group / A group swimmers are encouraged to help the next generation; just as they'd received in years past
This is a FREE EVENT for all of our members and it is an UNSANCTIONED competition, meaning this will not affect your Swimmer's Swimming Canada / SwimBC Insurance category. Questions? Please contact your swimmer's regular coach firstname @duncanstingrays.com.
For our newest members to become familiar with the Swim Meet process, please review the list below for the typical vocabulary, timelines, and processes for each competition:
- team's internal deadline is 26feb2023. Your Swimmer will discuss with their Coach which events they will be swimming. The family's only responsibility is to confirm / decline attendance. Please do so online through this Event Page
- An email will be sent out to all confirrmed swimmers and will outline the final details going into the competition. This email will also contain this report: Entries & Fees Report which outlines the Swimmer's selected events and applicable cost of participating (this unSanctioned competition is free).
This email will also contain the final deadline for participation without financial obligation (for future reference when attending Sanctioned competitions)
- An email will be sent out to all confirrmed swimmers and will outline the final details going into the competition. This email will also contain this report: Entries & Fees Report which outlines the Swimmer's selected events and applicable cost of participating (this unSanctioned competition is free).
- After the host deadline, all entries are compiled and listed. Simply put, this document allows for all to see who is attending and swimmers can review how they are ranked going into the competition
- In the day(s) leading up to the competition, all entries are finalized and then the competition can be seeded (organized). The Session Report allows for all attending to see approximately how long the session will take and the approximate times for the start of each event. THIS IS NOT A TIMELINE: for reference only
- as each race is completed, the results are collected and posted on HyTek's Meet Mobile (phone app) and will also be posted online - all unofficial. Following the entire competition, all events' results will be reviewed by the Meet Referee and will be released once the competition is completed. Results are posted within your family account as well as within the DST Results page - can be found at top menu bar > Standards / Records / Results > Results > specific competition
Assistant Coach (Sr Swimmers only) AvailableWed 4:00 PM
Chief Timer AvailableWed 4:15 PM
Wed 4:15 PM
Set up and take down AvailableWed 3:30 PM Wed 6:30 PM
Starter AvailableWed 4:15 PM
Stroke & Turn Judge AvailableWed 4:15 PM
Timer AvailableWed 4:15 PM
- P Open to public