FR: Bottle Drive

Location | Cowichan Aquatic Centre |
Start date | Nov 5, 2022 11:00 AM |
End date | Nov 5, 2022 3:30 PM |
Job sign up open | Oct 11, 2022 1:00 PM |
Job sign up deadline | Nov 5, 2022 11:30 AM |
Attachments |
C'mon out! Participating swimmers will receive credit to be used toward team travel. From Comox to Winnipeg, there's lots of opportunities for team travel this season!
More details are TBA but save the date and plan to support us by:
- Posting on your neighbourhood social media or mailboxes to let folks know you'll be coming around (or asking for messages if they want you to come by).
- Knocking on doors and collecting bottles from your neighbourhood (can be done before the day of... get those Halloween empties!).
- Manning the drop-off station (likely the dirt lot by the skate park/pool).
- Tell your friends, family, co-workers, etc where we'll be so they can drop off their own bottles.
- etc
Make sure swimmers are wearing team shirts or hoodies!
Coach(s) will dismiss participating swimmers from practice early.
Want to help run this thing? Have questions or suggestions? Want collection bag(s) before the date? Email:
Community Bottle Collection AvailableSat 11:00 AM