FR: Panago Pizza Coupon Fundraiser

Start date | Nov 3, 2022 |
End date | Nov 15, 2022 |
Attachments |
UPDATE: Coupons are sold out! Thanks for your support!
UPDATE: Coupons are selling fast, get your order in before they're all gone!!
We are excited to announce that The Stingrays are starting their Panago coupon fundraiser shortly. Coupons will be available for purchase from any Stingray swimmer.
These coupons cost $14 and are redeemable at any Panago location for a medium sized pizza with any toppings including gluten free and dairy free. For every coupon sold we make $4 as a team to help with team travel.
We ask that you collect the money and connect with Natalie MacGregor for your coupons (her email address is in the announcement email or find her on the parent Facebook group).