FR: West Coast Seeds

Start date | Feb 5, 2022 |
End date | Feb 27, 2022 |
Attachments |
Our next fundraising campaign starts now! Get ready for Spring with an order from West Coast Seeds!
Every packet you sell (or buy) will earn 40% for our organization (and your fundraising commitment). West Coast Seeds provides Canada No 1 seeds that are untreated and non-GMO which means that it promotes sustainability. They have provided a wide range of their best-selling vegetables, herbs and flowers, to give a little something for everyone.
Ordering instructions:
We'll be ordering online on the West Coast Seeds fundraising site ( Please ensure that you order from this site only, otherwise we will not earn the 40%.
If you already have an account on the West Coast Seeds fundraising site you can use it, otherwise make a new account. Do your online shopping as usual, by adding items to your Cart. When you check out, select "Duncan Swim Team (Stingrays)" for your organization and provide a phone number. Enter your swimmer's name for your Class Number to make it easier to associate the orders to swim families.
Please share with friends and family and encourage them to place orders in the same manner. As long as they select "Duncan Swim Team (Stingrays)" and provide your swimmer's name we can ensure your family gets the fundraising credit and you'll receive their order(s), bagged separately from yours.
Order by Sunday, February 27 to avoid disappointment. The seeds will all be shipped to me and I will put together the orders and coordinate with you for pick up. You will receive your order(s) before the end of March. Shipping is free.
Questions? Email:
Thank you in advance for supporting our team with your fundraising!
PS: Coffee and Hanging Basket fundraisers are also planned for the near future.
PPS: I need to place another order for the Epicure Fundraising kits (as described in our email on October 13, 2021), but need help meeting the minimum quantity. Interested? Let me know asap (before Tuesday).
PPPS: There is a private Facebook group for swim team parents to share information about practices, swim meets, carpooling, etc. To join, search for "Duncan Stingrays Parent Group".