Open Water Swimming - 01sept2021

Location | Duck Pond Bridge |
Start date | Sep 1, 2021 |
End date | Sep 1, 2021 |
Declaration open | Jul 29, 2021 12:00 AM |
Declaration deadline | Sep 1, 2021 9:00 AM |
Eligibility | C group B group A group |
For ages | 11 & Over |
Fees | $20.00 per member |
Attachments |
The Duncan Swim Team is excited to announce that we will be commencing Open Water Swimming!
In the interests of respecting social distancing, the Provincial Health guidelines, and SwimBC regulations, we will be offering this to our most sr swimmers (A/B/C groups) who are a minimum of 11yrs of age and have done a proven 800 Freestyle in 12:30 or faster.
- Starting Wed 04aug2021 and continuing on every Wed for the month of Aug, we will be visiting the various venues that the beautiful Cowichan Valley has to offer. Families: bring out your self propelled water craft and enjoy the water too.
Week 5: Cowichan River's Duck Pond in Lake Cowichan - Swimmers must wear the DST supplied orange cap (latex) for safety
- Cost: $20 per session - please declare online to secure your spot.
Questions? Please contact your Lead Coach