Open Water Swimming! 19Sep2020

Start date | Sep 19, 2020 10:00 AM |
End date | Sep 19, 2020 11:30 AM |
Attachments |
EDIT 18sept2020 @ 1019pm
CONFIRMED for tomorrow! See you there.
The Duncan Swim Team's next session of Open Water Swimming is scheduled for Saturday Sept. 19th at Youbou's Arbutus Park.
This will be for all 2020/21 registrants in A/B/C Groups - if you've not registered yet this season, please do so ASAP to be included in on our plans.
GUIDELINES for all participants:
- Please review the DST Return to Swimming Plan with your Athlete prior to joining the group.
- Swimmers must wear the DST supplied orange cap (latex) for safety
- a single cap will be given to all to use.
For those of you who have already received yours: $10 for a replacement, $0 for a ripped cap upon return of the ripped cap.
- a single cap will be given to all to use.
Questions? Please contact your Lead Coach
- A/B Groups:
- C Group: