Q'n'A: Account Assistance & Website Navigation

Location | zoom |
Start date | Mar 23, 2023 6:00 PM |
End date | Mar 23, 2023 7:00 PM |
Attachments |
Need some help with your family's online account? Not sure the pathways to important things within the Stingrays' website? Simply wanting some guidance on gaining familiarity? We've got the solution for you!
Drop into a zoom session on Thursday 23mar2023 @ 6pm. If you've a question or want for discussion, likely someone else will benefit as well.
Bring forth your questions and potentially learn something new about our Team's site and how to navigate it effectively. Just send an email to leanne@duncanstingrays.com requesting the zoom link and you'll receive it prior to the drop in meeting time.
Dependent upon need, there may be future events....