Rapids FastSwim 2023

Results | ||
Location | Watermania | |
Start date | Dec 14, 2023 | |
End date | Dec 17, 2023 | |
Declaration open | Sep 18, 2023 12:01 AM | |
Declaration deadline | Dec 1, 2023 11:59 PM | |
Eligibility | C group B group A group | |
Team Travel | ||
Attachments |
12dec2023 UPDATE:
message from our Host:
From: Edmund Cheung <notifications@swimming.ca>
Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 10:44 AM
To: duncanstingraysregistrar@gmail.com <duncanstingraysregistrar@gmail.com>
Subject: FastSwim 2023 - Call for Officials
Hello COA's! |
You are receiving this email because this email address is registered with Swimming Canada's National Database. This email contains information only and is not of a commercial nature. For more information about our privacy guidelines, please ready our privacy guidelines at http://swimming.ca/en/national-registration / Vous recevez ce courriel, car votre adresse courriel est inscrite dans la base de données de Natation Canada. Ce courriel contient seulement de l'information et n'est pas de nature commerciale. Pour plus d'informations concernant nos normes de confidentialité, veuillez lire nos normes de confidentialité à |
11dec2023 UPDATE:
- Technical Bulletin
25oct2023 UPDATE:
- Group Booking release date is 06nov2023
- Swimmer partaking in Team Travel MUST be confirmed by 03nov2023 and rooms will be set up for you
- Independent travelers: please take advantage of the Group Booking code. Post 06nov2023, the DST rooms will be released. Availability & / or rate cannot be honored.
QUALIFIERS as of 25oct2023:
- A Group:
- Gerbrandt, G
- MacGregor, K
- MacGregor, L
- McCartney, B
- Ruiter, M
- B Group:
- Gerbrandt, S
- Graham, A
- C Group:
- Dunaway, T
- Girodo, Ari
- MacGregor, W
- Ruiter, C
Qualifiers list will be updated post NRST Fall Inv'l & ISC Bennett Cup.
As noted on original post far below, all competitors are expected to attending ALL sessions of the competition. For those who are not qualified & / or unable to commit to the full competition, we encourage an alternative competition, DST is attending the NRST Ugly Sweater Inv'l on the same weekend!
24oct2023 UDPATE:
- meet pkg released!
list of qualifiers will be posted shortly
03oct2023 UPDATE:
- team travel is being offered for interested members
- as per our Team Travel policy, members must be at least 12yrs of age*
*11yrs of age is considered IF older sibling is attending and is experienced with DST Team Travel
- as per our Team Travel policy, members must be at least 12yrs of age*
- Members who intend on traveling on their own will be able to access the group booking and secure your own space.
Awaiting the Holiday Inn & Express' response for a group booking code. Typical timeline expectation: Members can access the Group Booking Code and secure your own space up to 30 days prior to the competition. At 1mo out, any excess rooms will be released back to the hotel and members Will be updated once received!
The Duncan Swim Team is excited about once again attending the Richmond Rapids FastSwim Classic being held at the Watermania complex in Richmond, BC on Dec 14 - 17, 2023.
As this is a closed Invitational, DST is being granted a handful of spots to attend. Invited swimmers are encouraged to confirm/decline online at their soonest convenience to open up a spot to the next interested swimmer(s). There are qualifying times for entry - standards to be posted once the competition is Sanctioned.
PLEASE NOTE: it is expected that attending swimmers are in attendance for ALL sessions of the competition
TEAM TRAVEL: to be determined. If any parent is interested in leading this role, please contact leanne@duncanstingrays.com to start the planning process!
- not yet confirmed (18sept2023) but we are endeavoring to secure a group booking at the Holiday Inn Express in Richmond
- 604 241 1830
- 10688 No 6 Rd, Richmond
- Invited members will receive the update as soon as it is confirmed
Team Travel baselines....
Thursday 14dec2023 - Sun 17dec2023
- depart from CAC thurs AM - time TBD
- shortie swim the morning of travel
- ferry - likely 10am+/- boat
- arrive in Vancouver > grocery shop for personal items if necessary
- Team Meal @ Old Spaghetti Factory - before or after Day 1 racing TBD
- 4 days of racing Heats & Finals: swimmers are expected to participate in all sessions, learning the preparation routine for future successes and supporting their teammates if not in Finals
- Thurs 14dec2023 Day 1 racing
- Fri 15dec2023 Day 2 racing
- Sat 16dec2023 Day 3 racing
- Sun 17dec2023 Day 4 racing
- arrive at CAC Sun late late
- approx $600+/- team travel cost
- hotel 3 nights with 3 - 4 per room
- transportation from & back to the CAC is covered: vehicle + ferry fare
- all meals covered EXCEPT ferry to (Thurs) and ferry back (Sun). All meals are included within the team travel cost. Extraordinary snacks of personal preference are to be brought by each individual
- 2 nights 'eating out'
- Thurs @ Old Spaghetti Factory
- Sun @ Subway
- 1 x confirmed volunteer Chaperone (thus far): Natalie M
- pls send along any dietary considerations, health concerns, etc
Questions? Please connect with the individual of your choosing:
- leanne@duncanstingrays.com
- volunteer president@duncanstingrays.com Natalie