Splash-A-Thon Week 2023

Location Cowichan Aquatic Centre
Start date May 23, 2023
End date May 27, 2023

DST Splash-A-Thon 2023

We’re holding our annual Splash-A-Thon the week of May 23 - 27, 2023. 

All swimmers will have a chance to complete their Splash-A-Thon swim during a practice session that week and the coaches of individual Groups will let them know which day will be their turn.


What is a Splash-A-Thon?

It’s a major Fundraising Event for the Duncan Swim Team. Swimmers round up sponsorship pledges either per individual length or as total amounts and then try and swim as many lengths of the pool as they possibly can. All Sr Swimmers will have up to two (2) hours to complete 200 lengths (5000m = 5km) / Jr Swimmers will have up to one (1) hour to complete 100 lengths (2500m = 2.5km) of the pool but all athletes are only expected to do their very best to swim as many lengths as they are capable of.

What is Splash-A-Thon fundraising for?

The monies from Splash-A-Thon are used to offset equipment costs, travel costs and special projects that the Club is undertaking.

Specifically, DST is in need of updating our Electronics Systems for hosting competitions.  Our Timing Console & Touchpads were purchased in 2007.  The cost to replace the full system is $30k.  

What We Need To Do

We need to get the word out to all potential sponsors. Social Media is a great way to get Splash-A-Thon started. Successful posts should include more than just text, pictures of kids in Team Gear will engage your audience. This messaging will be coming from the DST team’s accounts as well, but swimmers, parents and others involved should post about the Splash-A-Thon. This will reach their personal network and will help the overall Team.

Then we’ve got to start approaching potential sponsors; family, friends, supporters of DST and anyone who might be interested in supporting our Team and Competitive Swimming in the Cowichan Valley.

You can expect a pledge form to be given to your swimmer as well as an electronic copy of the pledge forms being sent to your inbox.  For further information and details, please contact our volunteer Fundraising Chair Janice.


Let’s prepare to have a really exciting Splash-A-Thon! 

It’s a great Team Event and an important Fundraising opportunity with an opportunity for Swimmers to earn some swag!
